Slow Season Website Checklist

In most markets around the country, things slow down this time of year (okay, I know not in Florida, but you’re the exception). And now is a great time to revamp or refresh your website and get it ready for the spring season, which is right around the corner. By starting now, you can hone and perfect your site, ready for the masses come March

Here’s a great checklist of some things to check up on and refresh before spring.

Maybe it’s time for a complete facelift of the website!? We can do that and have a couple great deals right now.

We are offering a great deal for a fresh website this winter.

$395 for up to 6 hours of new website work. What this includes:

*OR – 25% off Brand New Site with 10 Pages of Optimized, Written Content (Regular $1499) – This would be for completely new redesigns, moving over up to 100 pages of information, or importing from another platform (Real Geeks, Cevado, Market Leader, iHomeFinder, Etc..)

Winter is a great time to perfect your website and have it ready to market and promote come January 1.

Spots are limited as is time, so be one of the first to get a new website and fresh layout before Spring.

Here are some of the most recent sites we have created and designed:

Give us a call today for a free quote!