You know Yoda, that wise old Jedi who trained Luke to use the force? I don’t think anyone here doesn’t know who I’m referring to when I say Yoda, Jedi, or Luke. We almost all know the story of Star Wars. And we probably all know what the story is generally about, right? Well, let me ask you this… Is the story about Yoda? Or Luke? Or maybe even Darth Vader? Chances are you didn’t say Yoda. Because Yoda is the guide we all need in our lives. He is the one that comes alongside, helping guide the main character throughout the story, teaching them to find solutions, win battles, and ultimately find success. The story is not about Yoda. Yoda is not the hero of the story, he is the guide. And THAT is what we need to be for our clients. 

Too many real estate agents, mortgage brokers, and really any industry, position themselves as the hero. It’s up to ME to help you. I can make it happen! You only need ME to be your savior. That is NOT what clients want to hear.

Read More: How to Make Your Website Stand Out

THEY want to be the hero in their own story. We are only a part of their story, not the main character. We are the guide that comes alongside to answer questions and guide them to the right choices and ultimate success. If we make our business all about us, we lose our customer. They are already checked out.

Have you gone to a website and thought, sheesh! What’s so great about this guy? He’s everywhere, flashy, talking about how amazing he is and all his testimonies read as such: “So and So is an amazing agent. I just loved him so much, I would definitely recommend him.”

How does that solve anything that the client really needs? I don’t care how cool you are, I want to know how you can save me money, get me the house or loan I want and lead me to success. That’s what the client cares about whether they know it or not.

People don’t need pages and pages of accolades telling them how great you are. People know you probably only post good reviews on your website, but people really need to know what you can do for them. 

Don’t start your website by saying, “I am the best award-winning agent in the region” – Okay, good for you, as I’m clicking away.

Say something striking – appealing- honest like:

You get the idea. Appeal to the client, shine the light on them, not yourself. 

I get it… you need to build authority, and you’re right! Just don’t do it on the first page or you’ll come across as the hero instead of the guide.

Put your client first. Listen to them. What is it they need to accomplish? There may be some potential failures up ahead and the hero needs to know their guide will help them make it through to ultimate success.

Think of all the movies you’ve watched or stories you’ve read. All the great ones have the main hero and a guide. Hunger Games, Zootopia, Gone with the Wind, Pirates of the Caribbean. If you start to think about all good movies, chances are they will all have a Hero and a Guide. Someone that helps lead the hero through the perils of the problem to find success.

What Do Real Estate Agents and Yoda Have in Common

Are you the hero to your clients or the guide?

Need some website revamping? Call us. We’d love to go over your site and offer tips and solutions for better marketing techniques.

Read More: How to Get Great Backlinks and What Backlinks to Avoid