As we approach the conclusion of 2023 it becomes crucial to prepare for the year. One effective way to ensure the success of your website in An SEO Checklist for Boosting Your Website in 2024. This article will delve into a checklist consisting of 10.5 points that can assist your website, business or e commerce store in increasing its traffic, visibility and ranking.

Why 10.5 Points?

You might be curious about the inclusion of 10.5 points in this checklist. The reason behind it is that one particular point often goes unnoticed but holds potential to impact your websites traffic significantly. By comprehending and implementing all these 10.5 points you can maximize the potential of your website.
Objectives of the Checklist;

Conducting a website audit to uncover opportunities, for increased traffic and visibility.

Lets start by identifying and resolving any issues that might be affecting your websites performance. We can also explore strategic options to enhance your websites content. By achieving these objectives you can expect an increase, in traffic and visibility for your website in 2024.

An SEO Checklist for Boosting Your Website in 2024

An SEO Checklist for Boosting Your Website in 2024

1. Domain Audit via Site Operator:

Use Google search to check for your domain’s indexed pages. But don’t rely solely on Site Operator for accurate indexing information. It’s more for checking if any test or staging domains are open for indexing or if there are any hidden subdomains.

2. GSC (Google Search Console) Audit:

Examine server errors, access denied errors, discovered but not indexed pages, manual actions, security messages, and any removal requests on your website.

3. Google Analytics Audit:

Ensure Google Analytics code is present on all pages, identify pages with little or no traffic, and check for index bloat by comparing the number of indexed pages with the number of pages receiving minimal clicks.

4. Sitemap:

Ensure the sitemap is present, submitted to Google Search Console, and clean from non-valuable pages. Check if all indexed pages are included in the sitemap and remove low-quality pages.

5. Robots.txt:

Verify that useful pages or folders aren’t disallowed, the sitemap URL is included, and that the file is kept simple and effective.

6. Navigation Audit:

Ensure the website’s navigation is intuitive and links logically to internal pages. Use breadcrumbs for easy navigation.

7. Backlink Audit:

Check for well-distributed backlinks between www and non-www versions, avoid spammy websites, ensure top pages are well-linked externally and internally, and strive for backlinks from reputed websites.

8. On-page Audit:

Confirm that URLs are SEO-friendly, keywords are appropriately placed in slugs, titles, alt attributes, and headers, content length is satisfactory, and internal links are utilized effectively.

9. Page Speed:

Ensure the website and its pages load quickly as it is part of Google’s Helpful Content System. Use tools like GTmetrix and Google Page Speed Insights to measure and improve speed.

10. Awesome Pages (Orphan Pages):

Identify and link orphan pages (important pages that are not linked from anywhere else on the site) to relevant sections to ensure they are crawled and indexed.

10.5 404 Pages:

Handle 404 errors appropriately by first identifying if the missing pages were ever serious parts of the website or linked internally. Do not redirect all 404 pages in bulk to the homepage or other live pages as this can cause more harm than good.

The 10.5-point checklist provides a comprehensive strategy for SEO, addressing technical, content, and link-related aspects to optimize website traffic, visibility, and growth.

By following this SEO checklist you can optimize your website for success in the year 2024. Addressing problems improving content quality and enhancing user experience will contribute to increased traffic, visibility. Ultimately lead to business growth. Make sure your website is well prepared for the year, by taking these steps.