Using a combination of naked and anchor text links

Okay, just take everything I ever told you and throw it out the window. That’s pretty much how I feel every time Google has an algorithm shift. We just get to know what to do in one area when now that doesn’t work anymore. It’s like the pregnancy rules; last year peanut butter was bad; this year peanut butter’s good, next year this will be good for preg» white black hat googlenancy but that won’t be, and on and on. When does it stop?

The problem is that black hat SEO people are constantly ruining all of the white hat techniques by manipulating the system and causing frustration for the little guy that’s actually just trying to get some business.

So what’s the big deal now? Well, for a couple years the big deal was getting your anchor text to match your URL; meaning if you’re leaving a comment or you’re putting in a link somewhere to your website use your main keywords as the anchor text like this: Online Real Estate Marketing.

But now if you do that too many times Google will consider you spamming and manipulating the system and they may penalize the site. So what you want is a good combination of anchor text links and naked links.

What the heck is a naked link?

And naked link is basically linking your website or your URL to the domain such as this: . Many press releases and article submission sites have been doing this for several years and Google likes to look for natural links instead of those anchored text links that are generated over and over. Most of the time those that are using this type of naked link are those that are referring to your site from somewhere else. Other users are not going to use your anchor or keyword text and link it to your website, they’re simply going to give you the website URL.

So remember to try to keep it as natural as possible and use a few of those naked links either in your website, social media, blogs, or hub pages. Google wants to see your website in a variety of different ways.

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