A simple guide to blogging for business and sharing on social media.

2. Once that post is written make sure you post it on your Facebook page and any other social media including Google plus. Simply copy the URL from the blog post and pasted into your Facebook page. Facebook will pull up that link with an image which you can switch between images if there are multiple images per blog post. Once Facebook pulls the link over you can actually delete the URL that you pasted in the status so that it’s not still there. The actual link will stay though. Write a little snippet with what the post is about in the status box making readers draw in and want to click on that post. Do the same over on Google plus. You can add a link and choose the image that you want. Remember, choose images you have either taken yourself or have permission to use from various websites.
3. Writing the blog post and promoting it should take about an hour each Monday morning. It will help to do this on Wednesday and on Friday as well but you could spend an entire Monday drawing up three posts for the week and scheduling them to go out. You can also schedule posts on Google plus and Facebook as well.
4. Sometime during the week make sure you put out a personal post on your business pages as well. It can be a funny article, something you’ve shared from someone else’s Facebook page or timeline, or simply a reminder of who you are and what you do. This may or may not have a link back to your website but it’s a simple reminder of who you are and that you’re more than just someone that post links but someone that connects with social media as well.
Just a simple plan but put into practice religiously can really make a difference on your overall rankings and traffic.