Because SEO is going more to the social media side there’s only so much we can do on-site anymore to gain rank. Google is watching what you’re clicking on, how you respond to tweets and what you’re re-posting. They want to customize our searches more and more for our actual needs rather than just throw something up there that has 10 keywords in it about what you entered in the search field.» computer locked

Keywords don’t matter anymore in the meta data field.

Google is watching your titles and descriptions. You know your keywords. If you want to be found for them, put them in your title, in your description and in your content. That’s where it matters. Google is no longer looking for the keywords meta tags on your site to see what the post is about. They categorize your alt tags, titles and descriptions and if your content does not reflect those titles and descriptions it will quickly drop you from the SERPS.

So where do you add keywords?

Keywords should be in your title and description. If you don’t manually enter a description, Google will put one in from the first few words of your post or article but if you really want to be found, make sure you manually enter keywords and phrases in that description.

Keywords and phrases should also be in the content. If you’re writing an article about golf properties in Sedona you better mention that about 1-3% of the post. Meaning every 100 words should have that key phrase in the post and it should be in the title and description.  If you want people to find things to do in San Angelo Texas you should mention that several times in the post, title and description. But remember, don’t spam any of these locations. Your title should not be “Things to do in San Angelo, Best things to do in San Angelo Texas, San Angelo things to do”. This is spamming and people nor search engines like it.

Same with the descriptions. Your descriptions should not read like a list of keywords. If you want to talk about Kirkland real estate your title should read something like this: “Search through all the listings in the Kirkland real estate market and find buyers agents, mortgage information and more with Hallmark Realty”. You have not repeated anything but have gotten the idea across and also included several keywords.

So don’t bother entering your keywords in your meta data. Focus on your title, descrition and real content and you should start showing up in the SERPS

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We want to offer you a full list of options to choose from when designing, organizing, optimizing or writing for your site or blog. Whether you need just a little SEO Training, full website design, existing SEO marketing or any social media set ups Personal SEO would like to help be your business solutions provider. Feel free to email us for references and examples on content writing. [email protected] 425-344-0677