Can you use your keywords and phrases when commenting on blogs?

If you’re like me, you get lots of spam on your WordPress, blogger or other types of blogs. Many times even those re-captcha plug-ins don’t help but there are some that allow for firewall protection and such but what if you really want to leave a geniune comment? Is that done anymore? Sure, but many times the comment must be approved before it can be live. In that case if you want to be heard you have to be geniune.

Don’t run around the web pasting a general comment into every blog you can find. No one wants those and it helps nothing. You may not have time to read everything and everyone but you can learn quite a bit from blogs if you take the time to find a blog you’re interested in. Use Google to search for something you want to know about or even the industry you are currently in. When you find a blog that allows custom comments (meaning not dragged over from Facebook) then this is where you can really use your SEO noodle.

Most of the time you get a screen that looks like this:

» comment

When you have the option of filling in the boxes, don’t let an SEO opportunity go by. Sincerely read the article and if you don’t have time for full comprehension, read enough to leave an intelligent response or question even in regards to the topic. In the name box put your keyword or phrase. It works well if your a real estate agent and you can enter “Olympia WA Realtor” as the name. Then make sure you enter the URL you want attached to that keyphrase. In this case

Now remember, this is a “no-follow” tag on most WordPress sites and other blogging sites but don’t let that discourage you too much. Google still sees it as a link and whether they follow it or not you can obtain a general back link from this comment. You can also leave a link in the comment IF APPROPRIATE. Don’t spam the comment box or your comment won’t be approved. If you’re commenting on someone’s blog about house-hunting in Alamogordo you can add a link in your comment to house-hunting in Tularosa as well. Most comment boxes will allow HTML code so this is how you would enter a link. BUT, if you’re too competitive and too closely related to the industry you are commenting on, you may not get that link back approved since you would be in fact, advertising on someone else’s blog.

So use your comment name wisely and don’t abuse it. You don’t want to be penalized or banned. Other names of industries could be: “Credit Card Machine Provider” or “Probate Realtor” or “Personal Book Publisher” or “Verde Valley home finder“. Find your keyword or phrase that would fit a name and link it to your URL in every comment you make.

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