How to Avoid SEO Mistakes

If you’re new, you are probably writing for the reader. As we go along and learn more about the SEO side we may tend to shift our thinking and write more for search engines. But just like that old adage that innocence is best, how you started out writing may be...

SEO Your Blog Comments

Can you use your keywords and phrases when commenting on blogs? If you’re like me, you get lots of spam on your WordPress, blogger or other types of blogs. Many times even those re-captcha plug-ins don’t help but there are some that allow for firewall...

How to Title Your Pages or Posts

How to Title your Pages or Posts The title of your blog post can be the life thread of the entire post itself. It's what the search engines see as the entire topic of the post and generate the searches around that title. Yes, the meta title still helps but it is...