Why Did My Organic Search Engine Traffic Drop?
“Why Did My Organic Search Engine Traffic Drop, and why do I have fewer visitors?” If you’ve ever pondered this perplexing question, you’re not alone. A sudden decline in organic traffic can be a bewildering and distressing experience for website owners and digital marketers. Fortunately, there are several factors that could contribute to this phenomenon, […]
How to Optimize for Voice Search

“Okay, Google” – “Alexa” – These are two new entities in a lot of homes now. We tell them to add things to a shopping list, tell us a joke, or like me, get quick facts when homeschooling. But voice search is the newest thing and even if we’ve spent years perfecting our SEO on […]
Your Google Business Page Could Be the Key to New Leads
If you have a business, chances are you have a Google business page, even if you didn’t set it up. Google will find your business elsewhere, either on Yelp, Facebook, or other places, or even your website and they will create a page for you, often without you knowing it. If you don’t know if […]
What Do Real Estate Agents and Yoda Have in Common

You know Yoda, that wise old Jedi who trained Luke to use the force? I don’t think anyone here doesn’t know who I’m referring to when I say Yoda, Jedi, or Luke. We almost all know the story of Star Wars. And we probably all know what the story is generally about, right? Well, let […]