Should I Have a Facebook Page Icon or Share Button?
A Facebook “Share” or Facebook “Icon” – What’s More Important? You’ve seen both, right? Those social media icons that take you to the website’s page, Twitter feed or any other type of social media platform the author may have out there but what about the “share” buttons? Those are different in that they don’t lead […]
Google’s Penguin Update Requires Some Shuffling
And Google Does another Update. First it was Panda, and now it’s Penguin… (Next it will be giraffe or some other zoo exhibit) but nevertheless about the name, Google is once again cracking down on those sites with spammy and worthless back links. While most of us probably won’t have to worry too much, other […]
Guilty by Association….
SEO companies and individuals alike are starting too… no, DO HAVE, the reputation of blood-sucking lawyers. And why shouldn’t they? It seems everywhere you look there’s someone that has gotten scammed, ripped-off or suckered into spending thousands of dollars on something they either didn’t need or didn’t get. Finding a reputable SEO company is literally […]
How to Avoid SEO Mistakes
If you’re new, you are probably writing for the reader. As we go along and learn more about the SEO side we may tend to shift our thinking and write more for search engines. But just like that old adage that innocence is best, how you started out writing may be the way you should […]
How to Market Yourself and Your Business on Pinterest
Tips to Market Yourself and Your Business on Pinterest Pinterest is a highly addictive and fast growing social media platform. If you don’t know yet, well, as Geico says, “what? do ya live under a rock?” Pinterest is a wildly popular virtual cork board to pin up everything and anything you may find online. From […]
How Effective is Organic SEO?
What is Organic SEO? It’s your site naturally rising to the top of the search engines without paying for that coveted sponsored spot at the very top or side bar on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Those spots are considered Pay Per Clickmeaning you pay every time someone clicks on your link found at the […]
Will Over-Optimizing Penalize Your Site?
This month Google released a new algorithm (the way they measure and track websites) that will actually penalize you for over optimizing your website. Google is always looking for the newest and best way to determine accurate search results for it’s readers and those that simply optimize without actually providing relevant and fresh content may […]
How to SEO Your Blog Posts
SEO is simply optimizing your blog or article for search engines to easily find it and index it. If you write something, no matter how good it is, if no one finds it, sees it or reads it, it does you no good, other than you may have had a chance to brush up on […]
3 Tricks for Perfectly Optimizing a Blog Post
Your Blog posts can gain just as much traction online as a web page if properly optimized. This is not to say every post must be optimized since we love to rant or vent or just share sometimes. But for those posts that you really want to be found long after you have dimmed the […]
Do Keywords Matter Anymore in SEO
Because SEO is going more to the social media side there’s only so much we can do on-site anymore to gain rank. Google is watching what you’re clicking on, how you respond to tweets and what you’re re-posting. They want to customize our searches more and more for our actual needs rather than just throw […]