SEO Your Blog Comments

Can you use your keywords and phrases when commenting on blogs? If you’re like me, you get lots of spam on your WordPress, blogger or other types of blogs. Many times even those re-captcha plug-ins don’t help but there are some that allow for firewall protection and such but what if you really want to […]

Tips on Using Craigslist and Backpage for SEO

Find out how to put Craiglist and Backpage to good use in terms of SEO Back links are becoming just as king as content if not more. While having a plethora of information that someone would really want to know about on your site is ideal so is having other sites link to it. If […]

How to use H1 Heading Tags Properly

What Are H1 and H2 Tags? Defining and Using Proper Headings There was quite a bit of talk on my last post, the rules for blogging, about H1 tags. It really deserves a post in itself. You may have heard of these, heck, may have even used them and just have no idea what they […]

Why Your Page and Website Title Mean So Much

While SEO changes about every 5 minutes it seems there are some things that will never go out of style. How popular your website is or a particular page is going to make all the difference in the world because any search engine is going to rank it well if it’s popular. That’s the whole […]

How to Increase Social Media Connections

I had originally titled this blog “talking with your audience instead of TO them” but this seems to encompass that thought as well. Are we engaging with our readers or simply throwing information into the WWWW (the 4th W is for WIND). Do you want to be more well-known online? You have to start engaging […]

Custom IDX Searches – Bring More to Your Clients

IDX Search Specific Pages – Homes in Neighborhoods and Specific Styles  Why have a website? You have a blog to inform people about who you are, local information and blog reports but why have a website? Most of the time websites are to provide property search features, local listings, and details on specific homes. Unless […]

Simple Necessities for Optimizing your Blog Posts

While Google is always changing the rules there are some tried and true methods for optimizing a blog post. The most basic should be applied to any post that you want to be found time and time again. Sure, you can have those simple "rants" or "praising" posts which do nothing for you optimizationally other […]

How to Keep Websites Simple

I got an email the other day from a pipeline client – you know one of those potential – might-be, could-be type of client? He is debating on a WordPress site. He gave me a few examples of websites that he likes plus those that were so confusing he couldn’t understand how anyone could know […]

What Does Google Want?

Google is a tricky animal. Just when you think you got it figured out they change the game plan on you. Finding out what Google wants reminds me of that movie "What Women Want". You just never know… and like a woman, when you think you DO know, they change their minds. Google wants realness. […]

How to Title Your Pages or Posts

How to Title your Pages or Posts The title of your blog post can be the life thread of the entire post itself. It's what the search engines see as the entire topic of the post and generate the searches around that title. Yes, the meta title still helps but it is typically the same […]