The 2 Most Important SEO Factors to Remember
If you don’t remember anything else I say remember these 2 SEO tips Personal SEO does a lot of training and coaching on optimization for websites and blogs and while most of those sessions can get a little overwhelming, there are two key ideas out of the entire process that I really want people to […]
SEO Demystified
SEO Demystified – What is it? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the art of altering and developing a website that can not only be found by search engines such as Bing, Google and Yahoo but captivated by readers and ultimately drive leads to your business. Any site can be optimized but each business or company […]
How to SEO Your Blog Posts
SEO is simply optimizing your blog or article for search engines to easily find it and index it. If you write something, no matter how good it is, if no one finds it, sees it or reads it, it does you no good, other than you may have had a chance to brush up on […]
How to Keep Websites Simple
I got an email the other day from a pipeline client – you know one of those potential – might-be, could-be type of client? He is debating on a WordPress site. He gave me a few examples of websites that he likes plus those that were so confusing he couldn’t understand how anyone could know […]
What Does Google Want?
Google is a tricky animal. Just when you think you got it figured out they change the game plan on you. Finding out what Google wants reminds me of that movie "What Women Want". You just never know… and like a woman, when you think you DO know, they change their minds. Google wants realness. […]