50 Proven SEO Tactics for Real Estate Agents
50 Proven SEO Tactics for Real Estate Agents – SEO – Search Engine Optimization or maybe you’ve heard of SEM, which stands for Search Engine Marketing, are essentially the same thing. It’s setting up your online presence, be it your website, blog or social media presence, for the best possible return on investment, time and […]
Discover Your Personal SEO™: What Does It Say About You?
When was the last time you searched for yourself on Google? If it’s been a while, go ahead and give it a shot. We’ll be here waiting… So, how did it go? Were you surprised by the results? Did you like what you saw? You’ve just taken a step that people take regularly these days. […]
5 Ways Home Buying Has Changed in The Last 50 Years

Over the last fifty years, the home-buying market has witnessed radical changes. Generally, the cost of homes has increased drastically while the income of the average buyer has not changed that much. For instance, in 1970s, the average price of a home was eighty-seven thousand dollars. Fast forward to 2017, and the average cost of […]
Personal SEO™ Teaches How to add buttons to your Sierra Interactive website.
This is the code that I used, remember that you need to use HEX colors and replace where it says insertyourcolorhere with the numbers and letters for your hex code do not duplicate the # also change the rest of the information to fit your needs: [html] <p style="line-height: 250%; text-align: center;"> <a style="background-color: #insertyourcolorhere […]
What’s Working in Organic SEO and How Long Does it Take?
Organic SEO used to be a thing that changed about every 2-3 months in the early 2000s. Google was constantly working to weed out the fakers, line-skippers, and spammers and it’s gotten pretty good at it too. Now that the kinks are pretty much ironed out, not much has changed. Sites still need good content […]
How to add an SSL Certificate to Sierra Interactive Seller Lead Sites

This is a quick tutorial on how to add a free SSL Certificate on your site. Sierra Interactive and other providers, give options for Seller Lead pages (or sites), this is very useful when you do not host your website or your current host or provider does not provide an SSL Certificate. Here is a […]
Two column Responsive Layout for WYSIWYG websites
Part of the biggest issues as content writers we face is how to layout content on other platforms for example RealGeaks, Sierra Interactive, Point 2, and others that have their own WYSIWYG editors, commonly strip out code or style edits upon save. This not only is sometimes hard to work with and can be frustrating […]
Get More Reviews on Google

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.22.3″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.25″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.22.4″ z_index_tablet=”500″] How to Get More Reviews on Google! [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.22.4″ z_index_tablet=”500″] Search Engine Optimization has change over the years and it continues to change. One of the newest changes is Local SEO which has to do with Google My Business and how your […]
Online Marketing Tips that Actually Work

There are about a hundred million ways to market yourself and your business online. So which ones work? After over a decade in the online marketing business, I have seen what works and what doesn’t and decided to quiz some of my clients and associates about the best things that work and some that don’t. […]
Why You Should Update Old Posts and Pages

I’m going to assume that most of you are not the busiest during the holidays? Then again, maybe you are since there are more people that have time off and feel they have the time to look at homes etc… but if you’re like most agents and loan officers, this is probably your slowest month, […]