Guilty by Association….

SEO companies and individuals alike are starting too… no, DO HAVE, the reputation of blood-sucking lawyers. And why shouldn’t they? It seems everywhere you look there’s someone that has gotten scammed, ripped-off or suckered into spending thousands...

How to Avoid SEO Mistakes

If you’re new, you are probably writing for the reader. As we go along and learn more about the SEO side we may tend to shift our thinking and write more for search engines. But just like that old adage that innocence is best, how you started out writing may be...

How Effective is Organic SEO?

What is Organic SEO? It’s your site naturally rising to the top of the search engines without paying for that coveted sponsored spot at the very top or side bar on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Those spots are considered Pay Per Clickmeaning you...